Sunday, January 9, 2011

Unexpected Encounter

As I was pulling out of our driveway today, I glanced in the ditch and a most strikingly marked bird caught my eye.  I was so excited because here was a specimen my eyes had never seen.  A brown bird with distinct black and white markings and a most unusually long, dark gray bill.  He was using his bill to go down into the swampy ditch in search of food. 
He didn't seem to mind that I wanted to get a close look.  I hurried back to the house to retrieve the camera, praying all the way that he would remain where he was.  Thank you, Lord!  I got some great photos before my new acquaintance took flight.  After some research, I discovered the name of my friend;  Wilson's Snipe.  Evidently, this species winters here in the south with us;  and I'm glad they do.
I'm embarrassed to admit that I thought I'd seen most of the species of birds that hang out around here.  After this encounter, I'm realizing that I really am only scratching the surface.  God is so good to use the gentle art of nature study to expand my mind of Him.

"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous."

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