Thursday, February 17, 2011

Revisiting Bell Buckle Park

We decided to go to the park and see how it looks now compared to how it looked in November.  Today was quite warm;  partly sunny and a bit hazy as we walked through the park.  We heard frogs chirpping and saw robins and blue birds.  A few of the cattails we saw in the fall remain.  We collected a few items to go in our nature collection:  an acorn, a ball from a tree we must research and a pod from the trumpet vine.  We looked for squirrels as that is our next mammal to study, but none were out frolicking today.
We saw an interesting cocoon attached to an oak tree branch.  I wonder what is sleeping inside!  As we were leaving, the clouds moved in and it looked as if it were going to rain soon.

Jake's find for our collection.

A tree that is already budding.

"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous."

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