Thursday, February 17, 2011

Revisiting Bell Buckle Park

We decided to go to the park and see how it looks now compared to how it looked in November.  Today was quite warm;  partly sunny and a bit hazy as we walked through the park.  We heard frogs chirpping and saw robins and blue birds.  A few of the cattails we saw in the fall remain.  We collected a few items to go in our nature collection:  an acorn, a ball from a tree we must research and a pod from the trumpet vine.  We looked for squirrels as that is our next mammal to study, but none were out frolicking today.
We saw an interesting cocoon attached to an oak tree branch.  I wonder what is sleeping inside!  As we were leaving, the clouds moved in and it looked as if it were going to rain soon.

Jake's find for our collection.

A tree that is already budding.

"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous."

Friday, February 11, 2011

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

We have had our share of cold days lately.  The birds have really been feasting on our suet and we've noticed that they prefer the homemade kind over commercial.  (Very wise birds!)  They finished the last of it and so we decided to make some suet cupcakes.  Hopefully these will get them through the rest of the winter.  We used a mixture of lard, shortening and crunchy peanut butter to which we added raisins, sugar, cornmeal, oatmeal with fruit bits and various seeds. 

The finished cupcake.

Next we bundled up and headed outdoors for our nature walk.  The sun was bright and there was a slight breeze on this chilly day.  We heard the calls of several different birds, the blackbird's being the most noticeable.  We also thought we heard the sound of frogs chirping as we explored the wooded fence line of the property and Madison spotted a cottontail rabbit. 
Today's challenge:  begin a nature collection.  Not everything under our feet was frozen and crunchy;  I was able to gather some soft green moss.  Jake chose a spiky brown burr and Madison brought back a heart shaped leaf.  We consulted our field guide and discovered that Jake's burr fell from the Sweetgum tree.  These have beautifully colored leaves in fall and the bark is gray and deeply furrowed.  As for Maddie's leaf, the vein pattern and shape was typical of a Redbud.  What treasures will we find next?

On our way back to the house we noticed that the daffodil bulbs are beginning to peek up through the ground.  Spring is just around the corner.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.
                                                                 ~ Lao Tzu

Friday, February 4, 2011

Our Feline Friend, Pumpkin

Continuing our theme of mammals, we chose our cat Pumpkin to be our point of focus this week.  After several minutes of displays of affection for our feline, we observed some of his physical traits.  His padded paws walk softly while his claws are retracted until needed.  His teeth are very pointed and his tongue is rough.  We observed his slit like pupils while we enticed him to chase a string and were amazed at how large they become when he’s excited.  After a few minutes of playtime, he decided to curl up in a chair and nap for awhile.  His purring let us know that he felt safe and content.  We have also observed that he will sit at the door when he wants to go out and he meows when he is hungry or wants some attention. He loves to lay in the warmth of the sun as it comes through the glass in the doors.   Be careful when playing with him though.  His claws are sharp and his reach is farther than you might think!  (I have wounds as proof.)  We are thankful for this special pet of ours.

Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
Mother Goose

Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
Where have you been?
I've been to London 
To look at the Queen.

Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
What did you there?
I frightened a little mouse
Under her chair.